Students Ministry
At FBC, our approach to Student Ministry is simple; we walk with students towards lifelong faith in Jesus in the following 5 ways:
1. Gospel Centrality - We are committed to proclaiming the good news of God’s unconditional love through Christ’s life, death, and resurrection.
2. Theological Depth - Equipping students with a Christian worldview through a verse-by-verse study of God's word.
3. Relational Discipleship - Walking through all parts of the Christian life through caring relationships with students and leaders.
4. Partnering with Parents - Educating, equipping, and collaborating with parents in regards to discipleship of their students.
5. Intergenerational Integration - Incorporating students into the life of the church with all generations.
How your students can get involved:
9:15 AM (During the Lifegroup hour)
| 5:30 PM Dinner | 6:00 PM Bible Study |
| 7:30-8:30 Open Gym |
Some of our yearly events require Event Waivers to be completed for each student. Click the button below to access the form and please return the completed form to Gino or the Church Office. Thank you!
Events Waiver
Social Media Links
If you have any questions or would like to get connected with the Student Ministry, please fill out the form.