"The Vision of FBC is to see lives transformed by the gospel
as God makes people new, conforming them to the
image of His Son."
Service 10:30 am | Life Groups 9:15 am
Last Sunday of the Month | 6:00 pm
Refreshments to follow
Fellowship Lunch Immediately following worship
Next 5th Sunday Lunch: March 30, 2025
"The Vision of FBC is to see lives transformed by the gospel
as God makes people new, conforming them to the
image of His Son."
We Engage believers and non-believers with the gospel through the church, both gathered and scattered.
(As seen throughout the book of Acts)
One of the primary means of engagement is our weekly worship gathering. We welcome you to join us on Sundays for our weekly worship gathering.
We Equip believers to do the work of the ministry.
(Ephesians 4:11-12)
One of the best ways to be equipped is by joining a weekly LifeGroup. LifeGroups meet in small groups to study scripture together on Sunday mornings.
We Entrust the gospel to faithful Christians who will seek to obey the Great Commandment and fulfill the Great Commission.
(2 Timothy 2:2)
One of the ways we entrust members is through service opportunities inside and outside of the church. We would love to help you effectively and joyfully serve inside the church (ministry) and outside the church (missions).